If you are coming with your horse:
- NEGATIVE COGGINS required before you can unload your horse. You can email or mail a copy in advance (preferred), or present on-site prior to unloading.
- Bring ample hay (ideally in slow-feed hay net). All horses should have 24/7 access to forage.
- Bring your own water bucket(s) and feed pan, grain as needed.
- Bring an assortment of your horse’s favorites: carrots, treats, grain, peppermints, etc.
- If you normally use a treat pouch, target and/or clicker, bring them along.
- Stalls are lime-pack with rubber matting, and will be clean/stripped and ready for your arrival.
- Bring your own bagged shavings bedding, or you can purchase on site from Heirloom Equestrian Services for $6/ wheelbarrow.
- Manure should be picked throughout the day, place in provided wheelbarrow.
- Stall must be stripped at the end of your stay; alternately you can pay Heirloom Equestrian Services $25 to strip for you.
Barn Rules:
All visitors, auditors and guests should check in at the registration table in in the morning.
- Gates:
- Keep all gates and doors closed when not in use.
- This includes the gate across the driveway—please close it after you drive through. This gate is to remain closed at all times.
- Always double check every lock and gate to make certain they are shut and locked.
- There is no smoking in the barns, the arena or under any roof or building on the grounds
- Please park on the gravel and be considerate of other drivers including those who are hauling horses.
- Be safe and take care of those around you. If you see a dangerous situation, please alert Kaitlyn, Kathleen.
- Any accident or injury to a person or horse must be reported immediately to Kaitlyn or Kathleen and an accident report must be filled out.
- No running or screaming in the barn or around the barn unless it is an emergency.
- No Guests, children, or dogs allowed in pastures.
- If you, your horse, or your guests break something on the farm, please tell Kaitlyn or Kathleen.
- We reserve the right to charge for any damages your horse might cause to our facilities (stall, barn, fencing, arena, etc). Normal wear and tear is acceptable.
- Share the barn. Please clean up after yourself and anyone who is with you. Help each other.
- Wear appropriate clothing when you work with the horses. Closed toe shoes are required and long pants are preferred.
- Please clean up after yourself in the arena. If the bucket is full, please place the full bucket on the cart in front of the barn. If you see something you feel is dangerous, please contact Kaitlyn or Kathleen immediately. If it is questionable, it is not approved behavior.
- Do not coach other people in the barn. There is only one insured instructor at this facility, and we don’t want accidents.
- Do not adjust any thermostats.
- No dogs allowed.
If you have any further questions, please call or email the Local Organizer
Kathleen Kiefer, Louisville KY